Sunday, September 4, 2011

1.3 Organization Chart for CIS Department

This organizational chart represents the hierarchy of the personnel in my the computer information systems department. At the top of the chart is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) who oversees the strategic planning of the organization. Below the CIO are three departments responsible for the functions of the organization and headed by a manager.

The Support Department handles all of the functions needed for the rest of the departments to do their jobs. We have a database administrator to oversee the health of our database. The network administrator manages our company's communications networks.

The Development department handles all new projects for creating new information systems. The Business Analyst works as a liaison between the customers and the rest of our team. The software engineers and systems consultants will make the technical plans to give to the programmers to code the new applications.

In our maintenance department, we have an information systems auditor whose job is to check the software delivered by the development team. This individual will also field any customer support calls and work with the development team to find a solution to the problems presented.

Choice of 3-5 most important job functions :
If I were to pick three of the most important job functions, I would have a CIO, a programmer and a database administrator and network administrator. The CIO would manage all operations. the S/W Engineer would be competent in business and technical matters to perform the jobs of programmer and business analyst. I would have a database administrator to maintain the security and functionality of the data, which is our most valuable asset next to people. A network administrator would be very necessary to maintain the communications networks within our company and link us with our customers' networks as well.

1.2 Data Explaination

1. Customer

Customer ID
ABBY0098 - > ABBY-00-98 -> relate to name, address, age -> apply to sale records & product records
Data -> Information -> Knowledge - > Wisdom

Our customers each will be given an ID number to represent the in our system. At first the identification number is just a piece of data because it is only letters and numbers with no meaning. Then we format it, so a human will be able to understand it transforming data into information. then we will relate it to other data about the customer, such as the customer name, address or age transforming it into knowledge. Lastly, the customer id number can be used to find more information related to the customer, such as what products or hair styles the customer chose or any sales information, so our hair stylists will know which customers owe us or pay us the most throughout the year.

2. Product (Hair Styles)

Hair Style ID
CUT0098 - > CUT-00-98 -> relate to name, price, description -> apply to sale records & customer records
Data -> Information -> Knowledge - > Wisdom

Our hair styles each will be given an ID number to represent them in our database. At first the identification number is just a piece of data because it is only letters and numbers with no meaning. Then we format it, so a human will be able to understand it transforming data into information. then we will relate it to other data about the hair style, such as the hair style name, price or description transforming it into knowledge. Lastly, the hair style id number can be used to find more information related to the customer, such as what customers have chosen this hair style or how many sales include this hair style, so our hair stylists will know which hair styles are the most popular or even track how much product like shampoo or color is used in a given month.

2. Event (Hair Style Sale)

Hair Style ID
0902201105 - > 09-02-2011-05 -> relate to date, total paid, tax amt, customer id, hair style id -> apply to customer records & hair style records
Data -> Information -> Knowledge - > Wisdom

Our sales records each will be given an ID number to uniquely represent them in our database. At first the identification number is just a piece of data because it is only letters and numbers with no meaning. Then we format it, so a human will be able to understand it transforming data into information. Then we will relate it to other data about the sale, such as the total paid, date and tax amount transforming it into knowledge. Lastly, the sale id number can be used to find more information related to the sale, such information about the customer that is part of the sale.

1.1 Beauty Salon Company Description

Our company is a beauty salon located in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. We earn money by making hair appointments and then transforming our customer's hair into beautiful works of art, so they can go out on the town or just be happy with their appearance. We want to jump into the 21st century by upgrading our manual appointment book system with an automated information system. This is our proposal for doing so.